Over the last couple of weeks, Netflix released a trilogy of films called Fear Street. The trilogy essentially played out like a season of a TV show, with three really long episodes. I enjoyed all three of these movies, so it isn't really a worst to best list. It's more of a least best to best best list. If you haven't yet, go onto Netflix and check out this trilogy. It's pretty fun. It's also surprisingly scary. I had fun with these films, but I definitely do have a ranking of them, so here it is.
3. Fear Street: Part Two-1978

Like I said before, I really liked all three of these movies. So, when I put this one in last place, keep in mind that it's still a good movie. However, I did find 1978 to be the weakest entry in the trilogy. I thought it was extremely scary and I enjoyed the idea of the entire movie being one big homage to Friday the 13th. I also thought that Emily Rudd and Sadie Sink were fabulous in the leads. Where 1978 falters is the tone. This movie is bleak. It's so, so, so, so dark, and not in a fun way. There are scenes of a killer brutally slaughtering campers. That's a bit too much for me, so it took away from my enjoyment of the film.
2. Fear Street: Part Three-1666

1666 was a good wrap to the Fear Street trilogy. I dug the twist at the end and I thought that the final battle was pretty well done. I was not a huge fan of the first half of the movie, though. Scares were relatively absent, so it feels more like a mediocre folk film...which is definitely not my taste. However, the back half made up for it with an incredible conclusion and a few well-played twists that ended the trilogy on a high.
1. Fear Street: Part One-1994

My favorite of the bunch was easily 1994. I've always loved the 80s and 90s as a horror movie setting. That's why I'm a huge fan of It and Stranger Things. And I think that 1994 captured the tone of a teenage slasher perfectly. With a group of likable leads, a gallery of memorable slashers that include Ryan Torres, the Nightwing Killer, and Ruby Lane, and a really fun vibe that honors classic horror movies like Scream and Halloween, Fear Street: Part One-1994 gave me a really fun intro to this world and this curse, all while providing some great scares along the way.